Aspect Ratio & Cinemascope border calculator

Calculate 16x9 or 4x3 dimensions

When you input your media's current width, it will automatically calculate the dimensions for a 16x9 Widescreen or 4x3 letterbox preview. You can then resize or crop your media accordingly in your choice of graphic editing software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP etc.

What's the current width of your media?:

New 16X9 dimensions:
Width: Height:

New 4X3 dimensions:
Width: Height:

Preview cinemascope border

By default, a crop of 13% at the top and bottom creates the famous cinemascope border. This utility helps you visualize how a media would appear if you reduce or increase the crop borders.

Enter cinemascope border %:

Using an adjustment layer VS a .png file

If you're planning on using the cinemascope border to simulate a cinematic widescreen effect, set the crop percentage for the top and bottom to 13% in whatever video editing suite you are using. I use Adobe Premiere Pro for my editing and use an adjustment layer with the crop filter.

I wouldn't advise using a .PNG as a layover since rendering and converting the video can lead to the overlay file ever so slightly to move a few pixels thus ruining the overall effect.
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